Every spring, our staff, students and families are asked to participate in a Measurable Results Assessment. This data provides valuable insights into the progress of our school, specifically in the areas of leadership, culture and academics.

Overall MRA
Our Spring 2023 MRA data showed overall growth in the areas of Leadership, Culture, and Academics. We look forward to using this data in our continuous improvement.
Spring 2022 (a reflection of the 21-22 school year) - Overall MRA score of 70
Spring 2023 (a reflection of the 22-23 school year) - Overall MRA score of 72

In addition to staff and student participation, families and guardians have the opportunity to provide feedback through our annual MRA, which they complete as part of student registration. This feedback assists us in developing our annual school-wide WIGs.
During the 22-23 school year, we developed a school-wide Leadership WIG to increase Student Leadership as we had an overall score of 67 at that time. Focusing specifically on Positive Wellbeing, Self-Advocacy, and Prosocial Behaviors, we made significant progress toward our goal, with our most recent MRA showing an overall score of 72. Each of our focus areas showed an increase of 6%. Multiple action steps contributed to these results. For example, we implemented a building-wide calendar, with lessons specific to the development of Positive Well-Being, Self-Advocacy, and Prosocial Behaviors, for our advisory time. Our PE/Health and Essentials team focused on increasing Positive Well-being by teaching and supporting behaviors and mindsets that build balance, hope, and opportunities to sharpen the saw. Our Leadership Action Team invited students to attend the committee meetings to help identify ways to develop self-advocacy among our students. We learned that many students were unsure how to ask an adult for help and we collaborated to develop tools to help us teach and support these skills in the classroom.

During the 22-23 school year, we developed a school-wide WIG to increase our Supportive Student Environment, as we had an overall score of 67. We specifically focused on School Belonging and ultimately increased our score in that area by 6%. Our Student Culture Action team surveyed our student body to determine how many of our students were not involved in an activity, their reasons for not being involved, and ideas for additional activities that we could offer. New clubs, such as Dungeons & Dragons, and Rubik’s Cube were initiated based on this student feedback, and a system allowing students to propose additional activities was put into place. We celebrated student involvement on a student-designed bulletin board in the cafeteria and at assemblies throughout the year. By the end of the year, the number of students involved in clubs, activities, and extracurriculars increased substantially. Our attendance rates also improved.

During the 22-23 school year, our focus on aligning our systems and goals to empower both teachers and students enabled us to increase our overall Academics score from a 66 to a 70. With a building-wide WIG to increase IAR scores in both Math and ELA, we focused on Instructional Efficacy and developed lead measures to achieve our goal. In addition to our monthly Academic Action Team meetings, we initiated monthly building-wide department meetings to share effective strategies and analyze data (IAR, Interim IAR, MAP) to inform and improve instruction. We then used this data to provide individualized, targeted support to students, as needed, through our Enrichment and Intervention classes. Our Instructional Coaches joined grade-level team meetings on a weekly basis to support classroom initiatives and best practices.