The Measurable Results Assessment (MRA) tracks and measures our school’s progress and outcomes. It involves collecting data and feedback from various stakeholders, including students, teachers, and parents, to evaluate the impact on student leadership skills, academic performance, and overall school culture.

Overall MRA
Our MRA data has increased over the past two years! We have made significant improvements especially in Culture and Academics. We are ecstatic with our results and hope to keep improving over the next school year.

Our MRA data shows our overall leadership score of a 77. Our overall strength is student leadership at a 79. One area we would like to improve on is our staff leadership in the area of interpersonal effectiveness (76), focusing on building and sustaining positive relationships through understanding, communicating, and valuing the differences they see in others.

Our overall culture score is 78, with a strength being student empowerment and staff voice. One area we look to improve on is "trusting relationships" among staff and students. Specifically, we want 100% of our students to have at least 1 adult in the building they can trust and connect to. We will be sending out a trusted adult survey in the fall and use this data to strengthen our relationships with each individual student at RES.

Our overall academic score came out at 79 with the strength being empowering teachers. An area we look to improve upon is school goals. Each staff member and student will set goals and lead measures that align with our school goals. Teachers and students will track their lead measures daily and we will scoreboard these weekly.