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Evidence Binders
Evidence Binders are a place for our community, district, schools, teachers, students, and families to celebrate successes and reflect on growth. We curate our stories in a way that helps us preserve a legacy of investing in people. Systems help us maintain an enduring commitment to highly effective paradigms so all members of our learning organization are able to unleash their potential.

1.1 - Principal & Coordinator Development
Our school community is committed to providing a holistic education for each student, which is why we place great emphasis on the...

1.2 New and Ongoing Staff Learning
Professional development on the 7 Habits and Core Paradigms throughout the year the SEL coach and other coaches. Each new teacher hired...

1.3 - Family and Community Partnerships
Williams Elementary School strives to strengthen family and community partnerships through both events scheduled throughout the year and...

2.1 - Direct Lessons
15 minute block daily included in the building schedule for family meal, morning meeting, and SEL direct Lessons at least twice a week....

2.2 - Integrated Approaches
7 Habits and leadership principles in daily routines and curriculum Here at WES, the Habits have become a way of life. Not only are...

2.3 - Service Learning
Made blankets for local homeless shelter. Student-Led service projects. Kindness Crew chooses projects to spread kindness throughout the...

3.1 - Physical Environment
Every classroom has the 7 Habits posted on their wall. Every class has a classroom mission statement that the entire class family works...

3.2 - Social-Emotional Environment
Every morning each classroom participates in a community breakfast which includes leadership lessons as well as a time to talk and share...

3.3 Leadership Events
Made blankets for local homeless shelter. Student-Led service projects. Kindness Crew chooses projects to spread kindness throughout the...

4.1 - Staff Lighthouse Team
Our Action Team members really make things happen here at WES! The Academic Team does an incredible job of helping set the school-wide...

4.2 Leadership Roles
Watch the video below to learn more about our leadership roles at WES!

4.3 - Student Voice
Students in Mrs. McCoy’s class recording for their podcast “Happy Habits”. Students who read and pass the the quiz for 18 0f 20 bluestem...

5.1 - Individual Goals
Students who have met a goal in their Leadership Portfolio are showing their growth by putting a sticker on our school thermometer...

5.2 - Team Goals
Teachers work together in grade level or area teams to create a cadence of accountability for not only the students in their classroom...

5.3 - Aligned School WIGs
Williams Elementary School is a community of achievers, all working together to reach our Wildly Important Goals. Our students are the...

6.1 - Leadership Portfolios
Students use a variety of resources when tracking their progress toward their WIGs. Portfolios aren’t just for academics. Students are...

6.3 - Empowering Instruction
Student Tech Leaders at ASC for Digital Citizenship Workshop with EIU Instructor. Tech student filming music program. Students work...
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