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Measurable results play a crucial role in setting objectives, monitoring progress, and making data-driven decisions in various fields, including business, education, healthcare, and nonprofit organizations. They provide a means of assessing the effectiveness and impact of actions and strategies.


We use several different types of measurable data for our students at WES.  In the slides below you will find results from the Measurable Results Assessment (MRA) a validated survey used annually to collect, analyze, and report on student, staff, family, and school-level outcomes. The MRA is an important tool for starting larger conversations about the school’s growth in leadership, culture, and academics. For this reason, the scores within this report serve as a way to celebrate progress and inform decisions on where to effectively focus time and resources.


Scores are important.  However, we keep in mind that our students are more than just a number here at Williams Elementary.  When focusing on the whole child, we make sure to take into account their social emotional well being too.   Focusing on the whole child means recognizing that a student's development and well-being encompass more than just their academic achievements. It involves a holistic approach that takes into account various aspects of a child's growth and well-being, including their social and emotional well-being.

RES Girl Celebrating Pajama Day
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Overall MRA

Our MRA data has soared over the past two years! We have made significant improvements especially in Leadership and Culture.  We are ecstatic with our results and hope to keep improving over the next school year. 

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WES will increase our percentage of favorable responses on the MRA assessment in the area of Self-Advocacy and Prosocial Behaviors from 72% (Satisfactory, Spring 2022) to 80% favorable responses (Effective) on our spring (2023) benchmark assessment.

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WES will increase the percentage of favorable responses on the MRA assessment in the area of School Climate and Trusted Relationships from 70% (Satisfactory, Spring 2022) to 80% favorable responses (Effective) on our spring (2023) benchmark assessment. 

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WES will increase the percentage of favorable responses on the MRA assessment in the area of Supportive Teachers and Acade, a from 79% (Satisfactory, Spring 2022) to 90% favorable responses (Effective) on our spring (2023) benchmark assessment. 

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WES Academics MRA Supplement-2.png
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