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5.1 - Individual Goals

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

Personal WIGS: Every student has a personal WIG in the correct format. Adults model individual WIGS. Students set a personal WIG that may be connected to a personal or professional goal. Students check their WIG at the start of each session. When students meet their goal they will then choose a new goal.

Clear Lead Measures: Through success and/or failure, students examine lead measures weekly. When students meet with the facilitator one on one they talk about their lead measures. During weekly one on one meetings with their facilitator, students discuss their lead measures and the progress toward their WIG achievement.

Compelling Scoreboards: Structures support updating scoreboard daily for staff and students. Scoreboards are looked at each day to see how success is measuring up.

Cadence of Accountability: Weekly each floor has a whole group accountability session. In addition, a one on one meeting each week with student and their facilitator ensures scoreboard updates and WIG accomplishments.


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