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5.3 - Aligned School WIGs

Riddle Elementary

Updated: Oct 25, 2023

Our school-wide WIGs are located on a functional and engaging scoreboard in a high traffic area. Our Academic Systems team prioritizes staff and student understanding of the alignment of WIGS at RES. One example of their efforts to align WIGs is found in the RES WIG Slidedeck. Materials used for the scoreboard were designed and created by students on the STEAM Team. Progress towards the school-wide WIGs are celebrated regularly during celebration assemblies and in classrooms. The scoreboard is updated monthly and is used to analyze the school’s progress towards our WIGS.

More Details:

  • A monthly assembly celebrates growth towards academic and behavior WIGs. Students may nominate peers and educators.

  • A bulletin board at the front of the school and near the lunch room displays school-wide progress and announces whole school celebrations.

Students make announcements using their Chromebooks in order to inform the school about upcoming celebrations. These videos are also used to help explain the school goals to different grade levels

Captain Kale shares about Goals and Lead Measures on Leadership Flight 101:


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